

编辑者: | 发布时间:2016-12-19





2006.9-20010.07     厦门大学会计系会计学硕士(导师:陈少华)  

1998.09-2002.07       上海对外贸易大学会计系  



01/2017-     西澳大学会计系副教授
08/2012-01/2017 西澳大学会计系助理教授
09/2009-07/2012 中山大学管理学院会计系助理教授、博士生副导师






{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}1.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chen, s., xu, n., and tong, jamie y.. “gender diversity in the boardroom and risk management: a case of r&d investment?” forthcoming atjournal of business ethics [ssci, abdc: a, ft journal list, impact factor:1.326]. contribution: 33%. google citation: 2.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chen, j., dong, w., tong, jamie y.. and zhang, f.corporate philanthropy and tunneling: evidence from china. accepted by journal of business ethics [ssci, abdc: a, ft journal list, impact factor:1.326]. contribution: 25%. google citation: 0.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}3.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}ho s.m., li y.s., tamk.s. and tong, jamie y.  “ethical image, corporate social responsibility, and r&d valuation”. accepted by pacific-basin finance journal[ssci, abdc: a, impact factor:1.010]. contribution: 25%. google citation: 0.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}won the best paper award for emerging scholar in the 2015 financial markets and corporate governance conference at perth, australia.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}4.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan j.y., chan k. c., tong, jamie y., and zhang, f. 2016. “a quality-based global ranking of accounting programs”.review of quantitative finance and accounting[abdc: b, impact factor: 0.828]. volume 47, number 1, 29-55. contribution: 25%. google citation: 0  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}5.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chen, g., luo, s., tang, y. and tong, jamie y. 2015. probation passed: earnings management by interim ceos and its effect on their promotion prospects”.academy of management journal[ssci, abdc: a*, ft and utd journal list, impact factor: 6.448].volume 58, number 5, 1389-1418. contribution: 25%. google citation: 3.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}was cited bybusiness insider (), cfo (), washington post () and etc.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}6.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}tong, jamie y. & zhang, f. 2014. “ more evidence that corporate r&d investment (and effective boards) can increase firm value. journal of applied corporate finance [abdc: a, impact factor: n/a].volume 26, number 2, 94-100. contribution: 50%. google citation: 1.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}7.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan, kam c., chang, chih-hsiang, tong, jamie y., & zhang, f. 2014. a long-term assessment of research productivity in accounting and finance departments in uk: 1991-2010”.managerial finance[abdc: b, impact factor: n/a].volume 40, issue 4, 416-431. contribution: 25%. google citation: 3.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}8.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan, kam c., tong, jamie y., & zhang, f. 2013. accounting research in the asia-pacific region: an update”. review of quantitative finance and accounting[abdc: b, impact factor: 0.828]. volume 41, issue 4, 675-694. contribution: 33%. google citation: 5.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}9.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan, kam c., chen, yining, tong, jamie y., & zhang, f. 2013. “accounting research by canadian higher education institutions: a retrospective assessment”. international business research[era: c, impact factor: 0.65]. volume 6, issue 1, 12-21. contribution: 25%. google citation: 0.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}10.    {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan, kam c., tong, jamie y., & zhang, f. 2012. “accounting journal rankings, authorship patterns and the author affiliation index”. australian accounting review[ssci, abdc: b, impact factor: 0.381]. volume 22, issue 4, 407-417. contribution: 33%. google citation: 14.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}11.    {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}chan, kam c., chang, chih-hsiang, tong, jamie y., & zhang, f. 2012. an analysis of the accounting and finance research productivity in australia and new zealand in 1991-2010.” accounting and finance[ssci, abdc: a, impact factor: 0.746]. volume 52, issue 1, 249-265. contribution: 25%. google citation: 15.  




{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}1.   {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}张金若、辛清泉、童一杏, 2013. , 《会计研究》,2013年第8期。  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2.   {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}童文锋,童一杏,张飞达 市场不确定性与两创型企业研发投资:基于实期权理论的实证研究, 《创业管理学报》,2011年第1: 15-24.  




{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}1.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“r&d volatility drivers” (with baruch lev, suresh radhakrishnan).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}under the 1st round review at contemporary accounting research [ssci, abdc: a*].

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}presented at chinese university of hong kong, national university of singapore, curtin university  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“evidence on the impact of corporate control market and board effectiveness on r&d valuation” (with shimin chen, bin srinidhi, and lixin su).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}under the 3rd round review ataustralian journal of management [ssci, abdc: a].

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}presented at university of western australian,ie business school (madrid, spain) and michigan technological university (mi, usa). accepted by the 2011 aaa annual conference at denver, u.s..  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}3.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“corporate governance, product market competition and pay-performance sensitivity” (with a. ko, f. zhang and g. zhen).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}under the 3rd round review at pacific-basin finance journal [ssci, abdc: a].  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}presented at 2015 financial markets and corporate governance conference at perth, australia.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}4.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“complex ownership structures and accounting conservatism” (with in-mu haw, s. ho, and f. zhang).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}listed on the social science research network’s top ten download list for financial accounting ejournal in dec. 2009.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}c)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}presented at the 2011 aaa annual conference at denver, u.s..  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}5.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“does the capital market punish managerial myopia?” (with f. zhang).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}r&r for journal of financial and quantitative analysis [ssci, abdc: a*].  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}listed on ssrn’s top ten download list for ern: behavioral finance (microeconomics).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}c)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}cited by institutional investor magazine ()

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}d)       {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}presented at hong kong baptist university, curtin university of technology,sun yat-sen university and renmin university.accepted by 2012 aaa annual conference at washington d.c., u.s., 2014 afaanz conference at new zealand and the international journal of accounting 2015 symposium at xiamen, china.  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}6.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“corporate philanthropy and investment efficiency” (with j. chen, w. dong and f. zhang)  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}7.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}“corporate philanthropy and bank collateral” (with jun chen, wang dong, and j.y. tong)..  





{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}1.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}grants awarded in australia  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}uwa business school research grant, “how does insider trading in multinationals with offshore operations affect the information environment? (with millicent chang and tiemei li)”, $7 000 (2015).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}afaanz research grants, “corporate philanthropy and tunneling: evidence from china”, $3 500 (2015).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}c)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}uwa business school research grant,“earnings management in interim ceos succession episodes”, $13 963.68 (2013).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}grants awarded in china

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}guangdong natural science foundation, human resources allocation efficiency: an agency perspective (with rui ge, ying zhen), rmb 30,000 (about 4,500 a$) (2012).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}b)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}researchgrant for outstanding young scholars from the sun yat-sen university, “corporate governance and human resources allocation efficiency in chinese listed firms (with rui ge, ying zhen, xiaoning song), rmb 75,000 (about 11,500 a$) (2011).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}c)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}national natural sciencefoundation (nnsf) ofchina, human resources allocation efficiency in china: current status, evolution and improvement mechanisms (with rui ge, ying zhen, xiaoning song, jim wang, feida zhang),rmb 175,000 (about 28,000 a$) (2010).  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}d)       {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}co-investigator: corporate disclosure in merger & acquisition, researchgrant from the national natural sciencefoundation (nnsf) ofchina, 2012.  rmb 220,000 (about 82,000 a$). (principle investigator: assistant professor rui ge from hong kong polytechnic university).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}e)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}co-investigator: corporate governance and happiness of s in china, researchgrant from the national natural sciencefoundation (nnsf) ofchina, 2012.  rmb 520,000 (about 90,000 a$). (principle investigator: professor yu xin from sun yat-sen university).

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}3.        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}grants awarded in hong kong

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}a)        {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}rgc-fulbright hong kong dissertation research program grant,corporate board, r&d valuation, and cost of capital”, us$9600 (2009).  


{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}04/2015  best paper award for emerging scholar in the 2015 financial markets and corporate governance conference at perth, australia, $500  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}12/2013  uwa ahern early career researcher portfolio award, $1,000

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}12/2013  nominated for a 2014 excellence in teaching award



Ÿ   {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}introductory financial accounting

Ÿ   {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}intermediate corporate accounting

Ÿ   {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}introductory managerial accounting



08/2012-05/2016        intermediate financial accounting – mpa level, uwa

financial accounting – undergraduate level, uwa

corporate accounting – undergraduate level, uwa

                                    financial accounting: theory and practice (workshop) – undergraduate level, uwa


09/2010-06/2012       internal control (in english) – mpacc level, sun yat-sen university

managerial accounting (in english) – undergraduate level, sun yat-sen university

accounting theory & practice (in chinese) – master’s level, sun yat-sen university




·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}american accounting association (aaa)

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} (afaanz)  



·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}journal of business ethics

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}accounting and finance

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}pacific-basin finance journal

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}australian journal of management

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}journal of contemporary accounting and economics

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}asia pacific journal of management

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}china journal of accounting research (in english)

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}afaanz annual conference  

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}financial markets and corporate governance annual conference  



·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}sage open journal



·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}does firm life cycle explain the propensity for firms to engage in corporate tax avoidance”, 2015 financial markets and corporate governance conference, 04/2015

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}bonding theory, ifrs adoption and audit fees – evidence from new zealand, afaanz 2013 conference, 07/2013

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c} “industrial policy and corporate finance: evidence from china, china accounting and finance review international symposium, 12/2010

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}does investment-cash flow sensitivity capture financial constraint?, 4th symposium of china journal of accounting research, 12/2010



·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}afaanz annual conference, gold coast, australia, 07/2016 (scheduled)

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}curtin university economics and finance research seminar, perth, australia, 08/2015

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2015 international journal of accounting symposium, xiamen, china, 06/2015

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}2015 financial markets & corporate governance conference, 04/2015

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}uwa accounting and finance research forum 2014, 11/2014  

·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}afaanz annual conference, 07/2013  

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}university of western australia, perth, australia, 11/2011

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}aaa annual conference, 08/2010 & 08/2011

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}michigan technological university, mi, usa, 04/2010

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}ie business school, madrid, spain, 03/2010

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}人民大学, 12/2009

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}中山大学, 03/2010

{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}·         {c}{c}{c}{c}{c}{c}hong kong polytechnic university, hong kong sar, 04/2009
