


编辑者: | 发布时间:2016-12-19



phd national university of singapore, singapore 2007
mba university of lancaster, uk 2002
ba institute of international relations, china 1997

academic positions
school of accounting, unsw australia (university of new south wales)
senior lecturer july 2011 – present
lecturer march 2007 – june 2011
department of accounting, national university of singapore
visiting senior fellow july - december 2013 
visiting fellow january – june 2011
department of finance and accounting, national university of singapore
graduate tutor january 2004 – december 2006
research and teaching highlights
since 2010, i have published three papers in ft 45 and a* ranked journals, and six papers in a
ranked journals. these nine publications make me one of the most productive accounting researchers
in australia. as a benchmark, the top quartile of associate professors of accounting in the top 4
account schools in sydney and melbourne (monash university, university of melbourne, unsw,
and university of sydney) has 4 publications in a* and a ranked journals in the past five years.
most of my publications are solo authored or co-authored with a junior researcher.
i have won over $80,000 research grants, and applied for a 2017 arc discovery grant on my own. i
have supervised honours and phd students, reviewed papers for top quality accounting and finance
journals, and been invited to present and discuss papers in high profile international and domestic
i have taught both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in australia and singapore. my average
teaching evaluation is 5.34 out of 6, with 98% students satisfied with my teaching. i designed and
delivered my courses aiming to make students ‘job ready’ after taking the courses. my courses
proved poplar, as the number of classes more than doubled in the past few years.

forthcoming articles
[1] he, wen and yaowen shan, 2016, international evidence on matching between revenues and
contemporary accounting research, forthcoming. [abdc a*]
the journal is one of the top 4 accounting journals
the paper is waiting for publication and there is a chance of changing my affiliation to
uq business school
[2] harding, noel and wen he, 2016, investor mood and the determinants of stock prices: an
experimental analysis,
accounting and finance, forthcoming. [abdc a]
the paper is waiting for publication and there is a chance of changing my affiliation to
uq business school

published papers
[3] he, wen and maggie (rong) hu, 2016, religion and bank loan terms, journal of banking and
finance 64, 205 – 215
. [abdc a*]
my coauthor was a phd student when we started the project
[4] he, wen and maggie (rong) hu, 2014, aggregate earnings and market returns: international
journal of financial and quantitative analysis 49 (4), 879 – 901. [abdc a*]
the journal is one of the top 4 finance journals
my coauthor was a phd student when we started the project
[5] he, wen and jianfeng shen, 2014, do foreign investors improve informational efficiency of
stock prices? evidence from japan?
pacific-basin finance journal 27, 32 – 48. [abdc a]
[6] he, wen, donghui li, jianfeng shen and bohui zhang, 2013, large foreign ownership and
stock price informativeness.
journal of international money and finance 36, 211 – 230.
[abdc a]
[7] he, wen, 2012, agency problems, product market competition and dividend policies in japan,

accounting and finance 52 (3): 873 – 901. [abdc a]
[8] he, wen, 2011, governance transparency and capital allocation efficiency: a note,
abacus 47
(1), 109 – 118. [abdc a]
[9] he, wen and jianfeng shen, 2010, investor extrapolation and expected returns,
journal of
behavioral finance
11: 150 – 160. [abdc a]
(abdc = australian business dean’s council journal list)

working papers under review
[1] accounting standards and financial market integration
• with dan dhaliwal, yan li, and raynolde pereira

• presented at aaa, eaa, caaa, fars mid-year meeting
• to be revised and resubmitted to
contemporary accounting research [abdc a*]
• this is one of the top 4 accounting journals
[2] dividend informativeness and agency problems: a cross-country analysis
• with lilian ng, nataliya zaiats and bohui zhang
• to be revised and resubmitted to
journal of corporate finance [abdc a*]
• referee report is very positive and we are confident to get the paper accepted after revision
[3] mandatory ifrs adoption and analysts’ sales forecasts
• with chien-ju lu
• to be revised and resubmitted for the third round review at
accounting horizon. [abdc a]
completed working papers ready for submission
[4] does investor sentiment affect the value relevance of accounting information?
• with jimmy hong and eliza wu
[5] audit quality and properties of analysts’ information environment
• with baljit sidhu and stephen taylor
• presented at isar, ajm research conference, uts, university of auckland
• to be submitted to
accounting and finance [abdc a]
[6] comparing with the average: reference points and market reactions to above-average
earnings surprises
• with yan li
• presented at fars mid-year meeting 2015, monash university, university of melbourne
• to be submitted to
review of accounting studies [abdc a*]
[7] higher order beliefs, accounting standards and stock market efficiency
• with dan dhaliwal, yan li, and raynolde pereira
• to be submitted to
contemporary accounting research [abdc a*]
[8] non-professional investors’ judgments of the reliability of fair value estimates – the impact of
investor mood
• with wei chen and noel harding
• presented at 2014 accounting behavior and organization conference
[9] inconsistent signals, earnings announcements, and market uncertainty
• with andrew jackson and kevin liang
• presented at anu, xiamen university
[10] accounting standards and media coverage
• with yaowen shan and bohui zhang

work in progress
[1] accounting losses and earnings persistence around the world (with kevin li)
[2] social trust and working capital management (with tina gao and kevin li)

[3] tax avoidance and bank loans (with maggie hu)
[4] changing relation between accruals and cash flows around the world (with yaowen shan)

conference and seminar presentations
2016 american accounting association annual meeting
afaanz annual meeting
australian national university
university of queensland
2015 asian finance association annual meeting
university of melbourne
monash university
2014 apjae accounting symposium
sun yat-sen university
university of technology sydney
2013 asia pacific conference on international accounting issues
2012 financial accounting and reporting section mid-year meeting
american accounting association annual meeting
afaanz annual meeting
university of auckland
2011 ntu international conference on business, finance and accounting
asian finance association annual meeting 2011
european financial management asian finance symposium
hong kong polytechnic university
2009 afaanz annual meeting
2008 afaanz annual meeting
asian academic accounting association annual meeting
uts symposium of accounting research
university of technology sydney
2007 american accounting association annual meeting
2006 australasian finance & banking conference
2005 american accounting association annual meeting

research grants and scholarships
2016 unsw business school research grant ($20,976)
• for project “sell on news: informed trading and price declines after good earnings
2015 afaanz research grant ($5,000)
• for project “does investor sentiment affect value relevance of accounting information”
2012 afaanz research grant ($5,000)
• for project “does mood affect investors’ use of accounting information” with wei chen
and noel harding
2010 special research grant ($9,870), university of new south wales

• for project “does investor mood really affect stock prices” with noel harding
2009 special research grant ($9,000), university of new south wales
• for project “audit quality in ipo pro forma disclosure” with jerry chen
2008 special research grant ($8,500), university of new south wales
• for project “institutional ownership and analyst overconfidence”
2008 faculty research grant ($20,000), university of new south wales
• for project “large foreign ownership and stock price informativeness” with donghui li
and peter pham
2007 special research grant ($4,850), university of new south wales
• for project “do financial analysts unravel earnings management?”
2003, 2006 president graduate fellowship, national university of singapore
2003 – 2007 research scholarship, national university of singapore
2001 – 2002 mba scholarship, university of lancaster

professional service
ad hoc reviewer for accounting horizon,
accounting and finance
australian journal of management
australasian finance & banking conference
financial management
journal of behavioral finance
journal of economic behavior and organization
journal of business ethics
pacific-basin finance journal

invited discussant for uts summer accounting symposium 2008, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016
national honours colloquium 2007, 2014
meafa conference at university of sydney 2016

member of technical committee of afaanz 2016 annual conference
research student supervision
2016 leye li phd student (ongoing) at unsw
joint supervision with gary monroe
2015 kevin liang first class honors student at unsw

joint supervision with andrew jackson
2010 jane cheung first class honors student at unsw

joint supervision with andrew jackson
teaching experience
unsw australia (university of new south wales)
acct5910 business analysis and valuation (postgraduate) 2007 – present
lecturer-in-charge in 2009 and 2010
100% student satisfaction in 2013 and 2015
acct3610 financial statement analysis (undergraduate) 2007 – present

lecturer-in-charge since 2009
100% student satisfaction in 2014 and 2015
acct1501 accounting and financial management 1a (undergraduate) 2007 – 2008

large first-year course
teaching evaluation above school average
teaching evaluations in the past three years (maximum rating = 6)

acct3610 2013 s1 5.07 98 acct5910 2013 s1 5.49 100
acct3610 2014 s1 5.42 94 acct5910 2013 summer 5.25 100
acct3610 2014 s2 5.44 100 acct5910 2014 s1 5.33 96
acct3610 2015 s1 5.63 100 acct5910 2014 summer 5.42 100
acct3610 2015 s2 5.13 100 acct5910 2015 s2 5.21 100
average 5.34 98.40 5.34 99.20

national university of singapore
bma5303 financial statement analysis (mba) 2013
acc5001 business analysis and valuation (postgraduate) 2013
fin3113 financial statement analysis (undergraduate) 2011

university service
2009 – 2010 representative to the special consideration committee of asb
• made decisions on student’s application for special considerations
2009, 2014 representative to university open day

media coverage
august 1

