

市场营销系列学术讲座(第七十四讲)--what’s in a name? the effect of donor name disclosure on the beneficiaries’behavior

编辑者:沈阿平 | 发布时间:2020-09-11

演讲题目:what’s in a name? the effect of donor name disclosure on the beneficiaries’ behavior(捐助人姓名披露对受益人行为的影响)







陈韵清,香港中文大学市场学系博士候选人。她2015年毕业于南京大学,获管理学硕士学位(市场营销方向),2012年毕业于中南财经政法大学,获管理学学士学位(市场营销方向)及法学学士学位(经济法方向)。她的主要研究兴趣为亲社会行为、广告营销及消费者隐私。曾在《international journal of research in marketing》,《social behavior and personality》,《华东经济管理》等国内外刊物上发表文章,并多次在学术会议上作报告,如北美消费者研究协会年会(acr),消费者心理协会年会(scp),营销科学年会(jms),营销科学与应用国际论坛(ifmsa),亚太工商及社会科学年会(apsbss)。她的博士论文曾获acr/sheth foundation dissertation award。


beneficiaries of charitable donations often receive help from anonymous donors. previous research has examined the costs and benefits of anonymity from the perspectives of the donors themselves and the charities that handle the donation, but it is unclear how anonymity affects the recipients of a donation. this research examines how donor name disclosure affects the recipients’ motivation and behavior. the findings demonstrate that, relative to an anonymous donation, recipients of donations from a named individual are more likely to act in accordance with that person’s expectations (i.e., to use the donation for the intended purpose). this is because recipients are more likely to perceive a named donor as an identified individual, which in turn leads to elevated motivation to reciprocate their donor’s help. six experiments and one field study were used to assess this effect. the implications of these findings for charities, individual donors, and public policy makers are discussed.

yunqing chen is currently a phd candidate at department of marketing, the chinese university of hong kong.she received her master’s degree in marketing from nanjing university in 2015, bachelor’s degree in marketing and in economic law from zhongnan university of economics and law in 2012. her research interests include prosocial behavior, advertising, and consumer privacy.her research has been published in multiple journals, such asinternational journal of research in marketing,social behavior and personality, andeast china economic management. she has presented her works at multiple academic conferences, such as the acr north american conference, the society for consumer psychology conference (scp), the annual conference of china marketing science (jms), the international forum of marketing science & applications (ifmsa), and the asia-pacific conference on business & social science(apcbss). her dissertation research won the acr/sheth foundation dissertation award.
