


编辑者:刘银燕 | 发布时间:2019-12-04







 目:do you hear the people’s saying? retail investor activism

报告人:    教授



主持人:杜兴强  教授

论文摘要:in a setting where market regulators provide supportive measures, we study whether and when retail investors turn more active in engaging with firm management and whether such engagement has economic consequences. we find that, consistent with retail investorsgeneral inclination to free-ride on sophisticated investors for corporate governance, they become more active in interacting with management when institutional investors, especially the active ones, withdraw from the firm: they are more proactive in requesting information from management. at the same time, they are more likely to lodge complaints about and offer suggestions and advice to management. other than information about firm performance and stock prices, retail investors also enquire about various fundamental issues such as corporate governance, accounting treatments, business operation, material transactions, and macro-policy effects. in addition, retail investors also become more active after the firm experiences poor performance, namely, when the firm faces urgency for performance improvement and they are left behind by sophisticated investors due to their information disadvantage and the disposition effect. finally, retail investors seem to possess information about a firms ongoing fraud and their active engagement with the firm helps shorten the duration of the fraud.

报告人简介:杨勇教授先后于北京大学光华管理学院毕业取得财务管理学专业学士及国民经济学硕士学位,随后从美国西北大学 (northwestern university)毕业取得会计学博士学位。杨勇教授先后在国际知名会计和管理学期刊如the accounting review, management science, 和review of accounting studies等上发表多篇论文,现为the accounting review和china journal of accounting studies的编委会成员,并为其它诸多知名会计,管理, 和经济学期刊做匿名审稿人。杨勇教授对企业社会责任,财务信息中介,和公司治理有浓厚研究兴趣。




 目:the impact of the tax cuts and jobs act on the u.s. defined benefit plans

报告人:李胜难  博士研究生



主持人:杜兴强  教授

论文摘要the tax cuts and jobs act (tcja) decreases the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% while limiting the deductibility of business interest expense to 30% of ebitda. we examine how these changes in tax law affects the u.s. defined benefit plans (hereafter, “db plans”). specifically, we test whether firms increase voluntary contributions to their defined benefit plans before the new tax rate become effective. we find that after the tcja was passed, tax-paying firms significantly increase the voluntary contributions to their db plans in the year preceding tcja implementation. moreover, firms with higher free cash flow, more future investment opportunities, higher funded status, and larger pension obligations for active participants are more incentivized to contribute to their db plans. furthermore, we investigate whether firms rebalance plan asset investments, as the funded status improves from the surge in voluntary contributions due to the tcja. we show that firms are switching to the “liability-driven investment” strategy (“ldi strategy”) by investing plan assets in fixed income securities.

报告人简介:李胜难,美国罗格斯大学商学院会计系博士在读、厦门大学管理学院会计学硕士(直博)、四川大学商学院会计学学士(acca 方向)。研究方向为养老金会计、高管薪酬、人力资源成本、公司财务。曾在财务研究期刊发表学术论文,同时还有多篇工作论文。
