call for papers and proposals:the 2022 tri-pg娱乐电子游戏

call for papers and proposals:the 2022 tri-university annual conference: recovery and rebalancing

编辑者:吴琼 | 发布时间:2022-08-03


call for papers and proposals

the 2022 tri-university annual conference: recovery and rebalancing

3-4 nov. 2022

newcastle university business school submission deadline: 20th sept. 2022

call for papers and proposals:the 2022 tri-pg娱乐电子游戏

the tri-university annual conference is a joint initiative of newcastle university businessschool,cardiffbusinessschool,andschoolofmanagementofxiamenuniversitysince2015.the conference will run in a hybrid style with physical location at newcastle universitybusinessschoolandonlinestreamingsessionsforallinternationalaudience,between3-4nov.2022. the objective of this conference is to provide a platform for research collaboration andstrengthen interactions between the three participating institutions. in addition to presentationand discussion of research papers and projects, we will also explore further cooperation inteaching,learning, and administrativetrainingin thefuture.

due to the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, companies and markets are facing highlychangeableenvironmentsandhugecompetitivepressure.internationalconflictsfurtherimposehugerisksontheglobaleconomythat’syettofullyrecoverfromthepandemicshock.withouta good mechanism to adapt to this complex environment, companies and markets are morelikely to encounter financial difficulties, such as excessive liabilities, insufficient liquidity oreven bankruptcy. these problems will not only adversely affect the sustainable developmentof economy, but also result in significant losses to investors, creditors, lenders, and otherstakeholders.

we seek theoretical and empirical papers that shed light on new knowledge to enrich theliterature on environmental sustainability and energy, green finance, esg, csr, asset pricing,market liquidity, corporate finance, corporate governance, and entrepreneurial finance in aninternationalcontext.wealsowelcomethesubmissionsofpapersfrominterdisciplinaryareasincludingaccounting,economics,finance,business,logisticsandoperationsresearch,management, marketing, strategy, and tourism. in addition to regular sessions, we will alsohave dedicated phd sessions. therefore, we encourage phd students to submit their researchpapers.pleasenotethatweonlyaccept manuscripts inenglish.

prof. wenxuan hou (university of edinburgh, joint editor of british accounting review;editor-in-chiefofjournalofchineseeconomicandbusiness studies)

prof. jason xiao (university of macao, joint editor of british accounting review; associateeditorofabacus,nankaibusinessreviewinternational;editorialboardmemberofjournalofaccountingandpublicpolicy,journalofinternationalaccountingresearch)

submission deadline for papers and proposals: 20th sept. 2022notificationofacceptance: 10thoct. 2022

conferencedates:3rd-4th nov.2022

submission process: to submit, please send your papers/proposals with authors’ & presenters’informationto


prof. stewart robinson (dean of newcastle university business school)prof.rachel ashworth(dean ofcardiffbusinessschool)

prof.jianfali(deanof xiamenuniversityschoolofmanagement)

prof. giorgio fazio (director of internationalisation, newcastle university business school)prof.abigailmarks (directorofresearch, newcastleuniversitybusiness school)

prof. tim edwards (pro-dean for research, impact and innovation, cardiff business school)prof.chaopengwu(associatedeanforresearchxiamenuniversityschoolofmanagement)prof.lishengyu(associatedeanforresearchxiamenuniversityschoolofmanagement)

dr jiayuan xin (newcastle university business school)prof. giorgio fazio (newcastle university business school)drjoseliu(newcastleuniversitybusiness school)



prof.bozhou(xiamen universityschoolofmanagement)
